1. Aim and purpose of this policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect
is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding,
preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. This includes clear
procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised.
Who this policy applies to
This policy is approved and endorsed by the Elders and applies to:
• All members of our church
• All those who attend and serve our church/place of worship and its services
• Our Trustees and Elders
• Paid staff (both internal and external eg contractors or consultants)
• Volunteers
• Organisations and groups which hire our building with written agreement to operate
under the church safeguarding policy.
Principles underpinning the policy
• Our theology and values
• Our commitment to put the welfare of children and adults at risk first
• A willingness to be open and listen
• A commitment to comply with relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
The term ‘children’ refers to those under the age of 18 years.
The term ‘adult at risk’ refers to any adult aged 18 or over who, by reason of mental
or other disability, age, illness or other situation, are permanently, or for time being,
unable to take care of themselves, or to protect themselves against significant harm,
abuse or exploitation.
Duty of care and confidentiality
We have a duty of care to all beneficiaries of the church, whether children or adults.
We will always maintain confidentiality, except in circumstances where to do so
would place the individual or another individual at risk of harm or abuse.